Re: XMLLiterals and Exclusive XML Canonicalization

On 10/22/2010 07:52 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
>     * Problems with @xmlns propogation to XMLLiterals given Exclusive
>       Canonical XML rules
>     * Potential need to keep @prefix and @xmlns separate in Evaluation
>       Context
>     * Need to keep in-scope @profiles in Evaluation Context

Yeah, I think you're right Gregg. The spirit of the XMLLiteral
serialization rules that the RDFa Task Force created a long time ago
ensured that active mappings were placed into the generated XMLLiteral
via @xmlns. @prefix needs to be preserved now as well, but I'm not sure
if we remembered to make that point in the document. Furthermore, the
way that you preserve @xmlns and the way that you preserve @prefix need
to be done very carefully.

> Is there any expectation that @xmlns mappings and @prefix mappings be
> kept distinct?

Yes, I believe that this is true. You need to now track where certain
mappings came from. That is, did they come from @xmlns, @prefix or a
@profile attribute?

As for keeping track of active profiles, you'll need to do that too in
order to make sure that the generated XMLLiteral preserves all necessary
state information.

Somebody more familiar with Exclusive Canonical XML rules will have to
answer your question about that - I remember there being a specific
reason we chose the form that we did, but can't remember what it was.

So, the rules probably go something like this:

- For all prefixes defined via xmlns, follow the old XMLLiteral
generation rules.
- Ensure that prefixes defined via @prefix are placed into a @prefix
attribute on the XMLLiteral
- Ensure that all active @profiles are preserved in the @profile
attribute for the XMLLiteral.

I remember it being that generated XMLLiterals didn't have to be the
same... in that, if the XMLLiteral expressed the proper semantics, it
was valid RDFa output.

I think that we should deal with your input as a Last Call
comment/issue, would that work for you?

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: Saving Journalism - The PaySwarm Developer API

Received on Sunday, 24 October 2010 04:10:16 UTC