PROPOSAL to close ISSUE-45: cite and longdesc support

If there are no objections to this proposal in 7 days, we will close
ISSUE-45: cite and longdesc support.

This issue concerned the addition of processing rules to an RDFa
Processor to ensure that @cite and @longdesc attributes generated
triples. After discussion on the September 23rd telecon:

The RDFa WG found that, while it may be desirable for some to generate
triples for @cite and @longdesc, that the added complexity did not
provide enough benefit to the general community nor did the group have
enough time to address all of the follow-on-discussion that adding the
feature may create.

Note that this does not mean that RDFa Processors are banned from
generating triples for @cite and @longdesc, quite the contrary, RDFa
Processors may generate triples for any attribute combination that they
deem appropriate. Therefore, if this is an important feature to an RDFa
Processor implementer, it is valid for an RDFa processor to include it
without violating any of the RDFa specifications.

This proposal asserts that there will be no special additions to RDFa
Core to enable the processing of @cite or @longdesc while clarifying
that any RDFa processor author may implement special processing
instructions for @cite and @longdesc without violating the RDFa

Please comment in 7 days from this post if you object to this proposal.
If there are no objections within 7 days, ISSUE-45 will be closed.

-- manu

Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny)
President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
blog: WebID - Universal Login for the Web

Received on Sunday, 3 October 2010 17:36:14 UTC