Re: for telecon: check.rdfa


This is great!

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 5:56 AM, Toby Inkster <> wrote:

> Hoping to discuss this on the telecon under "any other business".
> I've been tinkering with an RDFa linter, currently to be found at:
> The idea is to parse a page for RDFa, then filter it in different ways
> to show you what various services see. e.g. Google only looks at
> properties and classes defined at <>;
> Facebook only looks at the Open Graph Protocol properties. It also
> performs some general linting like detecting the use of CURIEs with
> undefined prefixes, etc.

This might be beyond the scope of the RDFa Linter, but have you thought of
something like RDF Alerts [1] which does validation on the RDF data. See
example report at [2]. It's still early days for RDF Alerts and it's being
integrated with Sindice's inspector/wespector. Once it's more mature, maybe
a link to Sindice's wedspector would do (to avoid duplicated efforts).



> I'd appreciate people's feedback.
> --
> Toby A Inkster
> <>
> <>

Received on Wednesday, 26 May 2010 14:50:08 UTC