Re: ISSUE-1: Status of RDFa Profiles

On Thu, 2010-03-11 at 15:39 -0800, Ben Adida wrote:
> I'm still worried about inheriting prefixes from @profile, so I'm not 
> sure we have consensus just yet. 

The other problem is that it introduces a conflict with full URIs in


 <div profile="">
  <span property="foo:bar">foo bar</span>

If is down, the parser has no way of determining whether
"foo" is a CURIE prefix defined by the profile, or a URI scheme.

Using safe CURIEs, in the case where "foo" was intended as a CURIE
prefix, there is a non-ambiguous form:

 <div profile="">
  <span property="[foo:bar]">foo bar</span>

However, advising authors to use safe CURIEs whenever a prefix was
defined in a profile seems like it's going to cause confusion.

And, if "foo" really was intended as a URI scheme, there's no "safe URI"
syntax, so when the profile document is unavailable, it's impossible to
unambiguously know what was intended.

I think there are three ways out of this:

 1. We don't allow profiles to define prefixes;
 2. We abandon full URIs in CURIE attributes; or
 3. We define a safe URI syntax and insist that safe CURIEs
    and safe URIs are used anywhere a profile is in scope.

I really don't like #3, and I'd rather drop profiles' ability to define
prefixes than drop full URIs.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Friday, 12 March 2010 09:31:37 UTC