Re: Telecon Agenda - June 10th 2010, 1400 UTC

On Wed, 09 Jun 2010 23:10:46 -0500
Shane McCarron <> wrote:

> I know that people disagreed with this, but if we could reach a 
> consensus I have a narrow window when I can update the draft before 
> publication.

I don't think this draft should be attempting to make
normative-sounding requirements for RDFa processors. Rather, it could
say something like:

When @role is included in a markup language that also includes RDFa
Core attributes [RDFA-CORE], a Processor that supports both RDFa and
@role MAY provide a graph that includes data from both. In that
case, it MUST process the role values as follows:

  * The subject is the value of @id if present. Otherwise the subject is
    a unique newly created bnode.
  * The predicate is the term role in the vocabulary defined at
  * Each value of @role is an object, forming an RDF triple with the
    subject and predicate defined above.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Thursday, 10 June 2010 06:28:54 UTC