Re: RDFa Profiles, terms, and predicates (oh my!)

Among your excellent points, you say:

On 7/23/2010 8:59 AM, Ivan Herman wrote:
> This model is nice because the target URI can refer to RDFa or to any other RDF formats, ie, instead of a recursive call it can also go and invoke any RDF parser that the underlying library provides.

I think this is the key reason that relative URIs won't work.  While we 
REQUIRE that an RDFa Profile be defined in RDFa, that profile might have 
other formats and might return a JSON representation, for example, if 
the requestor indicated in the HTTP Accept header that format was okay.  
In that situation, clearly we can't assume any special processing of the 
returned data.

On the other hand... since the server controls the content of that 
profile, obviously the server (or profile author) could ensure that the 
alternate representations were in their appropriate forms; this would 
include ensuring that a URI mapping was absolute.  That requirement is 
in my mind independent of whether we require that an RDFa Processor 
handle relative URIs in object literals associated with 'rdfa:uri'.  We 
control the horizontal and the vertical here. If we want to mandate 
special processing for a specific predicate, we can obviously do that.  
We already do it for the RDF:XMLLiteral datatype for example.

Anyway... just because we can do a thing doesn't mean we should do a 
thing.  Requiring that the object literal associated with 'rdfa:uri' be 
an absolute URI seems the cleanest solution.  I again bow to your 
wisdom.  Thanks for clearing this up.  I will add text to Section 9 so 
the next idiot doesn't ask this again!

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

Received on Friday, 23 July 2010 17:05:43 UTC