Re: Feedback on RDFa Core 1.1

These comments have been addressed in the version at - thanks 
again for your input!

On 7/10/2010 6:51 PM, Shane McCarron wrote:
> I apologize.  I know I integrated your feedback but I must not have checked it in!  I will fix these ASAP.
> "Stéphane Corlosquet"<>  wrote:
>> I'm not sure these comments have been addressed yet in the latest Editor's
>> Draft [1]. I've attached a patch against Overview-src.html [2] if that
>> helps.
>> Steph.
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Stéphane Corlosquet
>> <>wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This is feedback on the RDFa 1.1 core W3C Working Draft 22 April 2010
>>> [[[
>>> biblio:
>>> ]]]
>>> any reason for not using an existing biblio ontology such a bibo:
>>> @prefix bibo:<>  .
>>> and further bibo:Book which is an existing class?
>>> [[[
>>>     '<span about="urn:ISBN:0091808189" typeof="biblio:book"
>>> ]]]
>>> how about using some common practice and capitalize RDF classes, e.g.
>>> biblio:Book?
>>> [[[
>>>   prefix="biblio:
>>> ]]]
>>> why not being consistent and reuse the same namespace defined earlier?
>>> [[[
>>> The general syntax of a CURIE can be summarised as follows:
>>> ]]]
>>> s/summarised/summarized (or do W3C documents use British spelling?)
>>> [[[
>>> For example, the full URI for Albert Einstein on DPPedia is:
>>> ]]]
>>> s/DPPedia/DBPedia
>>> [[[
>>> <#bbq>  cal:dtastart "2015-09-16T16:00:00-05:00"^^xsd:dateTime .
>>> ]]]
>>> s/cal:dtastart/cal:dtstart
>>> [[[
>>>   <span property="foaf:givenname">Albert</span>
>>> foaf:givenName
>>> same for _:a foaf:givenname "Albert" .
>>> ]]]
>>> s/foaf:givenname/foaf:givenName
>>> [[[
>>> _:a foaf:name "Alber Einstein" .
>>> ]]]
>>> s/Alber Einstein/Albert Einstein (2 occurrences)
>>> [[[
>>> taxo:
>>> ]]]
>>> This prefix is not used anywhere in the document.
>>> I hope to have more comments in the future as I digest more of the
>>> draft, but this is it for today...
>>> Steph.

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

Received on Sunday, 11 July 2010 15:22:22 UTC