Re: Updating RDFa Core

I am making changes to ReSpec.js to support your comments.  When I do I 
will probably just update the editors draft in place, since there will 
be no substantive changes.

On 7/5/2010 3:11 PM, Toby Inkster wrote:
> On Mon, 05 Jul 2010 14:39:07 -0500
> Shane McCarron<>  wrote:
>> This version reflects our first attempt at getting RDFa embedded in
>> the document.
> Looks pretty good. A few nits to pick:
> 1. Would be nice if dcterms:modified could be in xsd:dateTime format
> with an appropriate datatype.


> 2. dcterms:publisher probably shouldn't be<>  but
> rather a blank node with a homepage:
> 	[ a foaf:Organization; foaf:homepage<>  ]

And presumably a foaf:name for the name of the Organization?

> And it would be nice if the URI for Ivan's workplaceHomepage could
> match the spelling of the publisher's homepage (one ends in a slash,
> the other does not).


> 3. xhv:biblioentry and xhv:disclosure don't exist in the XHTML vocab as
> far as I know.

True.  Those were always provided by ReSpec.js and I am loathe to remove 
them.  By our own rules for RDFa, they MUST NOT generate triples, since 
they are not in the vocab we have defined as the default.

Shane P. McCarron                          Phone: +1 763 786-8160 x120
Managing Director                            Fax: +1 763 786-8180
ApTest Minnesota                            Inet:

Received on Tuesday, 6 July 2010 18:15:47 UTC