Re: Updating RDFa Core

On Mon, 05 Jul 2010 14:39:07 -0500
Shane McCarron <> wrote:

> This version reflects our first attempt at getting RDFa embedded in
> the document.

Looks pretty good. A few nits to pick:

1. Would be nice if dcterms:modified could be in xsd:dateTime format
with an appropriate datatype.

2. dcterms:publisher probably shouldn't be <> but
rather a blank node with a homepage:

	[ a foaf:Organization; foaf:homepage <> ]

And it would be nice if the URI for Ivan's workplaceHomepage could
match the spelling of the publisher's homepage (one ends in a slash,
the other does not).

3. xhv:biblioentry and xhv:disclosure don't exist in the XHTML vocab as
far as I know.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Monday, 5 July 2010 20:13:05 UTC