Re: @profile in XHTML+RDFa 1.1

Hi Ivan,

> (I personally happen to think that giving this separate treatment to <head> is a mistake. But that may only be me.)

I'm pretty certain it was you who spotted that if you did this:

  <html typeof="foaf:Document">

or this:

  <head typeof="foaf:Document">

you would end up with a bnode as the subject of all of the triples in the head.

(I'm not blaming you -- it was an important observation!)

By having an implied @about value we ensure that the triples in the
head always refer to the current document.

I wouldn't claim it is perfect, but I don't recall anyone coming up
with a better solution.

We could of course ban @typeof from head, but we've tended to avoid
those kinds of draconian approaches.



Mark Birbeck, webBackplane

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Received on Wednesday, 21 April 2010 15:03:10 UTC