Re: Semantics edit after comments, and a request for ReSpec help.

On 05/29/2013 05:21 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
> On May 29, 2013, at 10:49 AM, Pat Hayes <> wrote:
>> I have fixed the minor edits noted by Ivan (who can earn a living as a copy-editor) and added some missing internal links.
>> Removed reference to RDF term, but kept RDF source and added this paragraph at the beginning of section 5:
>> "The entire semantics applies to RDF graphs, not to RDF sources. An RDF source has a semantic meaning only through the graph that is its value at a given time, or in a given state. Graphs cannot change their semantics with time."
>> Changed numbers in Appendix B following Peter's corrections.
>> Deleted this sentence from first paragraph of 5.1:
>> "Blank node identifiers play a similar role to existentially quantified variables in a conventional logical notation; they are local to the document in which they occur."
>> This comment is (a) not normative (b) has given rise to a lot of confusion, which doesnt show any sign of stopping and (c) isnt really accurate any longer, since we allow bnode sharing between distinct graphs.
>> -------
>> I would appreciate any advice anyone might have on how best to insert biblio references that aren't yet in the ReSpec biblio file but probably will be eventually, notably Concepts 1.1, PlainLIteral, and Turtle. (Should I put them in manually for now?)
> Add something like this to the respecConfig object:
>    var respecConfig = {
>        // extend the bibliography entries
>        "localBiblio": {
> "RDF11-CONCEPTS": "Richard Cyganiak, David Wood, Editors. <cite><a href=\"\">RDF 1.1 Concepts and Abstract Syntax.</a></cite> 15 January 2013. W3C Working Draft (work in progress). URL: <a href=\"\"></a>. The latest edition is available at <a href=\"\"></a>"
>        },
>        ...
>     }
> It looks like you already have a localBiblio definition, it's just a matter of adding entries for other specifications you need. Is PlainLiteral a specification, or a section within RDF11-CONCEPTS? If a reference to concepts, usually done as an anchor within a cite to the specific fragment within the document, followed by a normative reference using [[!RDF11-CONCEPTS]].

I'm told that respec now uses a bibliography that has all w3c TRs in 
it.   So it should know [[rdf11-concepts]] and [[rdf-plainliteral]] 
already.      It's case-sensitive, though -- use whatever the URL uses.   If you don't like that, I'm told:

use the "FOO": { "aliasOf": "BAR" } construct.

Also, anyone can add to the shared biblio know, but it requires some git 
skills.   See

         -- Sandro

>> Also, how does one create an external reference link in ReSpec? Just saying <dfn class="externalDFN"> (as the documentation recommends) doens't seem to hack it. Do I also need an href="..." in there, anyone know?
> Looking at the ReSpec code, it looks like you would use class externalDFN on an anchor, not a dfn.
> This is a fragment of a reference to concepts used in JSON-LD API:
> [[[
> ... minting new "Skolem IRIs" as per <cite><a href="">Replacing Blank Nodes with IRIs</a></cite> of [[RDF11-CONCEPTS]].
> ]]]
> Gregg
>> Pat
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Received on Thursday, 30 May 2013 00:15:04 UTC