Re: RDF Design (Complaint) FAQ

On 16/05/13 11:53, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> == Why is TriG disjoint from Turtle, instead of an extension? ==
> * Because some people don't want to write code which can safely load an untrusted dataset into a graph store.   (??)

That's to do with having different MIME types, not the format.
c.f. NT and NQ.

As to why it's disjoint - historical - it just is (I guess).

> == Why are there unicode characters disallowed from xsd:string literals? ==
> * Because strings are intended to be displayed; the disallowed
> characters (like null) can't be displayed.  (Other datatypes can be used
> for representing binary data, although large binary items are best
> handled as separate resources.)

Not accurate.

1/ It's XML Schema datatypes that defines xs:string, not RDF.

2/ In XML Schema Datatypes 1.1 \u0001 is legal as are most values, just 
not all. It's not about display any more.


Received on Thursday, 16 May 2013 11:47:45 UTC