RDF WG Resolutions

We have two resolutions from the RDF WG today:

The first is a resolution to allow Blank Node identifiers to be used as graph names. If this stands, it resolves an at-risk issue: https://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/rdf-wg/2013-05-15#resolution_2. We shouldn't try to remove this from the LC2 document yet, as the last word may not have been said on this.

The second resolution allows us to publish https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/json-ld/raw-file/default/spec/WD/json-ld-api/20130516/index.html as LC2 tomorrow: https://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/rdf-wg/2013-05-15#resolution_3.

The assumption is that, prior to PR, we will resolve the newly introduced useNativeTypes issue by moving the flag from fromRdf to expand, with a pass-through from other algorithms. This would put the application programmer in charge of using native or canonical representations of numbers and booleans, and eliminates any round-tripping issues. If expanding with useNativeTypes=true, values with a numeric or boolean datatype but a string representation would be converted to JSON numbers or booleans, including xsd:decimal. If set to false, native types would be transformed back to either xsd:boolean or xsd:double values. Of course, we may want to tweak this some more.

Gregg Kellogg

Received on Wednesday, 15 May 2013 16:10:43 UTC