tightenting up the Turtle grammar

The Turtle spec says that parsing the PNAME_NS and PNAME_LN terminals
produces an IRI as defined in RDF Concepts.
RDF Concepts says that IRI is "a Unicode string [UNICODE] that
conforms to the syntax defined in RFC 3987 [RFC3987]." In sum, we
provide a pretty liberal grammar and then point to a hilariously
complex grammar, but don't expect anyone to enforce it.

Comments c23 "IRIREF production less restrictive than RFC3987" and c26
"PN_CHARS_BASE outside of IRI range" indicate some frustration with our
grammar which permits characters which aren't allowed anywhere in IRIs.


One approach would be to trim the bogus chars off of PN_CHARS_BASE and
include a note below the grammer which points directly at 3987 and
states that the IRIs constructed by either IRIREF or PNAME_LN are 3987
IRIs. This would would supplement the note about valid literal ranges
proposed to address c27.

I have spoken to those acting as W3C director. They consider this to
be a clarification and nothing that would require another LC.

Received on Tuesday, 26 March 2013 21:01:53 UTC