Comment on N-triples and N-Quads

This does not affect FPWD.

It would be helpful of these documents could add a remark to the effect that the graphs (or graphs in the two datasets) described by two different documents do not share blank nodes. I know this is obvious, but it isn't actually specified anywhere and it has large consequences for the semantics. Possible wording could be: "Blank node labels in different //whatever// documents always identify distinct RDF blank nodes." or "Blank nodes identified by a blank node name in a document are unique to the //RDF graph//dataset// described by the //whatever// document."  (I am carefully avoiding the words 'scope' and 'local' here.) 

As an aside, the language "is allocated" suggests some kind of allocation process, which is a little disorienting for this reader. (When is this process running? What instigates it, and when does it stop? Etc.) Possible alternative wording could be "Each unique blank node label identifies a single unique RDF blank node." 

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Received on Monday, 18 March 2013 16:46:01 UTC