RDF-ISSUE-122 (cross-document scopes): bnode scopes in multi-part dataset documents [RDF General]

RDF-ISSUE-122 (cross-document scopes): bnode scopes in multi-part dataset documents [RDF General]


Raised by: Patrick Hayes
On product: RDF General

Recent emails suggest the possibility of using multiple Trig documents to represent a single (large) dataset. Is this allowed?

If this is allowed, several issues arise. The one which impact Concepts and Semantics is, how is the scope of blank node identifiers determined, if a single dataset can be spread over more than one document? Put another way, how does one determine, when a bnodeID is used in more than one document, whether or not it means the same blank node every time it occurs?

Received on Sunday, 17 March 2013 14:47:13 UTC