RDF-ISSUE-120 (set-of-triples-are-graphs): Is any set of RDF triples an RDF graph? [RDF Concepts]

RDF-ISSUE-120 (set-of-triples-are-graphs): Is any set of RDF triples an RDF graph? [RDF Concepts]


Raised by: Antoine Zimmermann
On product: RDF Concepts

All work on RDF until early 2013 have been made under the assumption that a set of RDF triples is an RDF Graph (and vice versa). Recent discussions on bnode scope suggest that there are combinations of RDF triples that do not form a graph. Precisely, the idea is that only the triples that belong to the same "scope" (whatever that means) can be in the same RDF graph.

This also impact the definition of an RDF triple, as there can be two blank nodes in the same triple.

Received on Thursday, 14 March 2013 09:39:37 UTC