TriG -- trailing DOT in {} blocks.

The TriG showed up one issue with the TriG grammar.

In "traditional" TriG, and in SPARQL and N3, the final DOT in a {...} is 
optional making this legal:

{ :s :p :o }

It is illegal by the current TriG grammar which requires a trailing DOT

Two bad syntax tests show this:

** trig-syntax-bad-struct-08
# No DOT
{<http://example/s> <http://example/p> <http://example/o>}

** trig-syntax-bad-struct-11
# Trailing ;
{<http://example/s> <http://example/p> <http://example/o> ;}
because in Turtle

   <s> <p> <o>; .

is legal turtle (it's quite useful for repeated lines to always 
terminate with ";" and not have to worry about the last line being 
special -- the Turtle test manifest uses this).

The grammar rule affected is TriG [3g]

[3g]  graph    ::=   graphIri? '{' (triples '.')* '}'

A change would be:

[3g]  graph    ::=   graphIri? '{' triplesBlock? '}'
[] triplesBlock   ::=    triples ('.' triplesBlock?)?

which is recursive; it is at least contained to a single rule  -- it's 
how SPARQL 1.0 writes it so it should be reasonable for everyone.


PS This not not new - see also, from Gregg:

there, [6] allows multiple adjacent DOTs:

[6] triples ::=
  subject predicateObjectList ( "." ( subject predicateObjectList)? )*


:s :p :o1 .... :s :p :o2 ..

Received on Saturday, 15 June 2013 19:54:33 UTC