TriG Grammar issue

Grammar rule [3g] is:

    [3g] graphIri? "{" ( triples "." )* "}"

However, the examples include statements within a graph that do not end with a ".", which seems like a pretty reasonable syntax. I used an updated grammar as follows:

    [3g] graph ::= graphIri? "{" (triples* "}"

   [6] triples ::= subject predicateObjectList ( "." ( subject predicateObjectList)? )*

Note that it could be simplified to the following, if empty statements are allowed:

   [6] triples ::= ( "." ( subject predicateObjectList)? )*

This is along the lines of the previous update I requested to [7] predicateObjectList for Turtle.


Received on Friday, 23 December 2011 01:18:55 UTC