Re: Problem with auto-generated fragment IDs for graph names

On 2013-02-14, at 03:24, Manu Sporny <> wrote:

> On 02/13/2013 05:11 PM, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
>> PROPOSAL: Put @id on all graphs.
>> Why the aversion against simple and obvious solutions?
> The simple and obvious solution you propose is wrong for developers.
> It attempts to side-step an arbitrary constraint imposed on developers
> by RDF Concepts by making developers lives harder. Worse, it ignores the
> reality of transient messages, including transient RDF Datasets that
> must be identified with document-local identifiers if the digital
> signatures are going to work out.
> Look at this from the standpoint of a Web Payments message. Something
> that is completely transient, but needs to be digitally signed:
> [{
>  "@graph": {
>    "source": "",
>    "destination": "",
>    "amount": "5.00",
>    "currency": "USD"
>  }
> },{
>  "@graph": {
>    "source": "",
>    "destination": "",
>    "amount": "5.00",
>    "currency": "USD"
>  }
> }]

That's all predicated on the thinking that this ^^ is the right modelling for what you're trying to express in RDF. I'm not sure it is.

I would have gone for (in Turtle, I'm not familiar enough with JSON-LD):

    :source acc:manu ;
    :destination acc:richard ;
    :amount: 5.00 ;
    :currency :USD ;
] , [
    :source acc:manu ;
    :destination acc:kingsley ;
    :amount: 5.00 ;
    :currency :USD ;

you still have the problem of no persistent identifiers for your blobs, but that can be fixed with skolemisation, if you do it with anonymous named graphs, you're screwed.

- Steve

> You are stating that instead of doing the thing above, that we have to
> now require all developers to generate identifiers for that dataset by
> specifying an IRI for each graph:
> [{
>  "@id": "",
>  "@graph": {
>    "source": "",
>    "destination": "",
>    "amount": "5.00",
>    "currency": "USD"
>  }
> },{
>  "@id": "",
>  "@graph": {
>    "source": "",
>    "destination": "",
>    "amount": "5.00",
>    "currency": "USD"
>  }
> }]
> Why make developers jump through hoops because of some deficiency in
> RDF? They don't have to do this for JSON. What we're proposing is that
> we can auto-generate the IDs to get around RDFs deficiency by using
> "graph:" IRIs, but only when we HAVE to serialize down to another RDF
> serialization format (like NQuads, which we have to do when doing the
> RDF Graph Normalization stuff). So, JSON-LD developers can happily use
> the first bit of markup and can remain completely unaware that graph
> name identifiers are automatically created for them when they normalize
> to the NQuad serialization format:
> _:c14n1
>  <>
>    <>
>      <graph:1> .
> _:c14n1
>  <>
>    <>
>      <graph:1> .
> _:c14n1
>  <>
>    "5.00"
>      <graph:1> .
> _:c14n1
>  <>
>    "USD"
>      <graph:1> .
> _:c14n2
>  <>
>    <>
>      <graph:2> .
> _:c14n2
>  <>
>    <>
>      <graph:2> .
> _:c14n2
>  <>
>    "5.00"
>      <graph:2> .
> _:c14n2
>  <>
>    "USD"
>      <graph:2> .
>> You seem to consistently choose the path of greatest resistance.
> I consistently reject solutions that are anti-developer or anti-author. :)
> I want people to look at RDF and say "Oh, that makes sense." instead of
> "WTF? Why do I have to explicitly name graphs in certain cases when that
> requirement doesn't exist at all for blank nodes?!"
> This WG is punting on trying to solve the problem of document-local
> identifiers. I get that. There are, however, repercussions for doing so.
> I was asked to go back and think about using fragment identifiers as
> auto-generated graph names. After discussing it with our CTO, it became
> clear that fragment identifiers for graph names expose a particularly
> problematic serialization issue when serializing without a document
> base. That is, it isn't clear whether this will be viewed as valid in a
> quad-store:
> _:foo <> _:baz <#_graph:1> .
> The quad above is digitally signed in the Web Payments work without a
> base IRI. It is important that all processors that process it DO NOT
> add a base IRI, otherwise the signatures will no longer match the
> data in the quad store. However, <#_graph:1> isn't an absolute IRI and
> is thus invalid in the RDF model. So, the only solution that we can see
> is to use an absolute IRI that is meant to be interpreted as a
> document-local identifier:
> _:foo <> _:baz <graph:1> .
> The above works, but has the downside of needing a new IRI scheme, which
> none of us want, but hey, that's the best option we have right now
> beside this one:
> _:foo <> _:baz <_:graph1> .
> ... which is what we had been using for the past two years before
> realizing that RDF Concepts forbids that sort of thing. This would be
> the ideal solution if it weren't for the limitation imposed by the set
> of RDF documents that assign special meaning to "_:" and restrict its
> usage to be only for blank node identifiers and not also for
> document-local identifiers.
> -- manu
> -- 
> Manu Sporny (skype: msporny, twitter: manusporny, G+: +Manu Sporny)
> Founder/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc.
> blog: Aaron Swartz, PaySwarm, and Academic Journals

Steve Harris
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Received on Thursday, 14 February 2013 12:06:18 UTC