- From: Peter Patel-Schneider <pfpschneider@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 09:32:28 -0700
- To: RDF WG <public-rdf-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAMpDgVxOxpfEQfTNRC3yUuhhpH+1U++YgYpzkC_KSu8EaD_jKg@mail.gmail.com>
Minutes may be delayed - Internal Server Error at https://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/rdf-wg/2013-08-21 Just in case something really bad has happened, here is my grab of the raw IRC log. peter #rdf-wg === public.cloak is your displayed hostname now =-= User mode for pfps is now +i -->| YOU (pfps) have joined #rdf-wg -->| AndyS (~afs@public.cloak) has joined #rdf-wg -->| gkellogg (~gregg@public.cloak) has joined #rdf-wg -->| AZ (~AZ@public.cloak) has joined #rdf-wg davidwood Zakim, this will be RDF -->| Zakim (zakim@public.cloak) has joined #rdf-wg -->| RRSAgent (rrsagent@public.cloak) has joined #rdf-wg RRSAgent logging to http://www.w3.org/2013/08/21-rdf-wg-irc davidwood Zakim, this will be RDF Zakim ok, davidwood, I see SW_RDFWG()11:00AM already started davidwood Chair: David Wood Zakim + +1.408.992.aaaa Zakim - +1.408.992.aaaa Zakim + +1.408.992.aaaa davidwood Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.08.21#Admin pfps zakim, aaaa is me Zakim +pfps; got it Zakim + +081165aabb davidwood Zakim, who is here Zakim davidwood, you need to end that query with '?' Zakim +OpenLink_Software davidwood Zakim, who is here? Zakim On the phone I see bhyland1, pfps, +081165aabb, OpenLink_Software Zakim On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, AZ, gkellogg, AndyS, pfps, TallTed, ivan, manu, gavinc, davidwood, trackbot, yvesr, sandro, ericP Zakim - +081165aabb TallTed Zakim, OpenLink_Software is temporarily me Zakim +TallTed; got it TallTed Zakim, mute me ivan zakim, dial ivan-voip Zakim TallTed should now be muted davidwood Zakim, bhyland is me Zakim ok, ivan; the call is being made Zakim +davidwood; got it Zakim +Ivan pfps zakim, you need to get a life? Zakim I don't understand your question, pfps. Zakim +Sandro ivan zakim, mute me Zakim Ivan should now be muted Zakim +[IPcaller] AndyS zakim, ipcaller is me Zakim +AndyS; got it Zakim +??P13 Zakim +??P14 sandro zakim, drop P13 Zakim sorry, sandro, I do not see a party named 'P13' sandro zakim, drop ??P13 Zakim ??P13 is being disconnected =-= TallTed has changed the topic to “RDF WG -- http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/ -- Agenda: http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Meetings:Telecon2013.08.21” Zakim -??P13 yvesr Zakim, ??P14 is me Zakim +yvesr; got it pfps the nuclear option is always the right thing to do AndyS in a less than ideal telecon place - I am muted and can unmute for specific items. Zakim + +081165aacc AZ Zakim, aacc is me Zakim +AZ; got it Zakim + +1.415.686.aadd gkellogg zakim, aadd is me Zakim +gkellogg; got it davidwood Zakim, who is here? Zakim On the phone I see davidwood, pfps, TallTed (muted), Ivan (muted), Sandro, AndyS, yvesr, AZ, gkellogg Zakim On IRC I see RRSAgent, Zakim, AZ, gkellogg, AndyS, pfps, TallTed, ivan, manu, gavinc, davidwood, trackbot, yvesr, sandro, ericP AndyS there are 3 sets of building works in the road and all are using power tools TallTed Zakim, unmute me Zakim TallTed should no longer be muted TallTed Zakim, mute me Zakim TallTed should now be muted yvesr fighting a massive headache pfps i can scribe (in honour of getting IRC access back) AndyS yep - a bit risky. yvesr sorry! pfps scribenick: pfps pfps that didn't work Zakim +gavinc gavinc waves -->| markus (~chatzilla@public.cloak) has joined #rdf-wg =-= markus is now known as lanthaler Zakim +Souri davidwood PROPOSED to accept the minutes of the 07 August telecon: https://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/rdf-wg/2013-08-07 -->| Souri (~Souri@public.cloak) has joined #rdf-wg pfps agendum: admin AndyS notes he scribed that one pfps david: accept minutes from last time davidwood RESOLVED to accept the minutes of the 07 August telecon: https://www.w3.org/2013/meeting/rdf-wg/2013-08-07 pfps david: no objections -> minutes acceptes davidwood Review of action items davidwood http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/actions/pendingreview davidwood http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/actions/open AndyS ACTION-282 is done gavinc I claim that EricP did ACTION-280 yvesr did a bit of work on ACTION-196 but still work in progress lanthaler my machine just crashed.. will join in a couple of minutes pfps david: second editor for trig pfps andy: I will if it helps davidwood CLOSE ACTION-282 trackbot is closing ACTION-282. trackbot Closed ACTION-282. davidwood CLOSE ACTION-280 trackbot is closing ACTION-280. trackbot Closed ACTION-280. pfps greg: so far 9 conforming Turtle implementation AndyS Excellent news on the implementation reports. pfps david: primer still in progress gkellogg s/greg/gkellogg/ pfps greg should work, no? gkellogg don't thing so; perhaps gregg pfps hmmm, zakim is too dumb for its own good gkellogg can always clean up later pfps david: next meeting *next* week yvesr AndyS Happy Birthday, David for next week. Install the large number package. pfps david: I won't be available next week pfps sandro: I can chair if needed davidwood Request for Review: ITS 2.0 davidwood davidwood See: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Aug/0000.html davidwood pfps agendum: request for review of ITS 2.0 ivan q+ Zakim sees ivan on the speaker queue pfps that's not the right incantation - what is the right one? pfps david: they want some some review from us re converting markup into RDF AndyS peter --- topic: pfps thanks pfps topic: request for review gavinc Section in question, http://www.w3.org/TR/its20/#conversion-to-nif pfps david: I'm not sure what we would say except "hurray" and check to see if they have done anything bad ivan I am happy to say hurray pfps after for before reading? ivan ack ivan Zakim unmutes Ivan Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps ivan: I can take a look at the document pfps add an action item?? pfps action: ivan review ITS 2.0 document trackbot is creating a new ACTION. RRSAgent records action 1 trackbot 'ivan' is an ambiguous username. Please try a different identifier, such as family name or username (e.g., ivan, imikhail). davidwood Topic: JSON-LD ivan zakim, mute me Zakim Ivan should now be muted davidwood PROPOSED to publish JSON-LD as CR: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Aug/0060.html Zakim +EricP pfps sandro: we need to agree on exit criteria AndyS q+ to ask about testing (minor, clarification) Zakim sees AndyS on the speaker queue gkellogg q+ Zakim sees AndyS, gkellogg on the speaker queue davidwood ack AndyS pfps sandro: the standard criteria should be acceptable, but there should be a resolution Zakim AndyS, you wanted to ask about testing (minor, clarification) Zakim sees gkellogg on the speaker queue Zakim +??P20 lanthaler zakim, ??P20 is me Zakim +lanthaler; got it =-= lanthaler is now known as markus markus zakim, ??P20 is me Zakim I already had ??P20 as lanthaler, markus pfps andy: for the RDF tests, isomorphism appears to be the right standard davidwood ack gkellogg Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps gregg: this was discussed yesterday pfps gregg: for testing to-RDF isomorphism is OK, but the output is n-quads gkellogg http://json-ld.org/test-suite/reports/ pfps andy: so n-quads isomorphism is what to use ivan q+ Zakim sees ivan on the speaker queue yvesr hmm dataset isomorphism - that rings a bell pfps gregg: here is an EARLy report ivan q- Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps gregg: pretty broad conformance over six implementations gavinc +q to ask if 3 of those aren't translations of the same implementation? Zakim sees gavinc on the speaker queue davidwood ack gavinc Zakim gavinc, you wanted to ask if 3 of those aren't translations of the same implementation? Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps gregg: this indicates that CR exit critera have already been met, but there are other groups that may be waiting for CR to actually to the testing pfps gavin: are three of the implementations machine translations? markus I think on yesterday's call we agreed on a minimum CR duration of 2 weeks pfps gregg: no, they are separate, but the Java one is the primary gavinc s/Java/Javascript AndyS s/java/javascript/ AndyS pfps david: sandro can you craft a proposal for exit criteria? davidwood q? Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps gregg: the tests are all via the API Zakim -EricP pfps sandro: are any of the proposed tests contential pfps gregg: to RDF-100 had some discussion yesterday because it was generating relative-IRIs gavinc +q to ask about dataset tests Zakim sees gavinc on the speaker queue pfps gregg: we dropped it so that the results are all legal generalized RDF davidwood ack gavinc Zakim gavinc, you wanted to ask about dataset tests Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps gavin: are there tests around datasets that contain more than one graph? the bugs I've in seen in are in this area Zakim +EricP pfps gregg: I don't know - we will be discussing this next week on the JSON-LD call -->| AZ_ (~AZ@public.cloak) has joined #rdf-wg AndyS Don't need test suite to go to CR. pfps gavin: how can we approve exit criteria without a full set of tests? sandro PROPOSED: The Exit Critera for JSON-LD shall be that at least two implementations pass each approved test in the test suite. We approve the tests as they stands today, but intend to add more. We may also make corrections if bugs are found. The test are all on JSON-LD-API but we consider them to cover both JSON-LD documents. sandro gregg: we need more tests. we only have only one test on error condititions. gavinc We DO need more tests. There are no tests for datasets, only single named graphs markus q+ Zakim sees markus on the speaker queue pfps gregg: more tests are needed, e.g., test variations on native types, dataset tests pfps gregg: should we approve the current tests? pfps sandro: let's approve now and add later pfps sandro: there are about two weeks before CR can be announced, so the tests should be finalized by then ericP of course you never know when a test suite is *really* done pfps david: do we need one resolution or two? davidwood ack markus Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps sandro: either markus The exit criteria I put in the spec is: "Before this specification exits Candidate Recommendation, two or more independent implementations must pass each test, although no single implementation must pass each test. The working group will decide when the test suite is of sufficient quality to test interoperability and will produce an implementation report (hosted together with the test suite)." pfps markus: are we trying to define the exit criteria pfps sandro: yes pfps sandro: the exit criteria usually go in the transition request, not the document Zakim -EricP pfps david: let's resolve on the wording from the document sandro PROPOSED: (as in spec draft) Before this specification exits Candidate Recommendation, two or more independent implementations must pass each test, although no single implementation must pass each test. The working group will decide when the test suite is of sufficient quality to test interoperability and will produce an implementation report (hosted together with the test suite). sandro +1 markus +1 davidwood +1 gkellogg +1 pfps +1 yvesr +1 TallTed +1 AndyS +1 ivan +1 AZ_ +1 |<-- AZ has left irc.w3.org:6665 (Ping timeout: 180 seconds) pfps heavy typing gavinc +1 Souri +1 pfps zakim, who is talking? sandro RESOLVED: (as in spec draft) Before this specification exits Candidate Recommendation, two or more independent implementations must pass each test, although no single implementation must pass each test. The working group will decide when the test suite is of sufficient quality to test interoperability and will produce an implementation report (hosted together with the test suite). Zakim pfps, listening for 10 seconds I heard sound from the following: davidwood (53%), AndyS (19%), Sandro (15%) AndyS muted gkellogg JSON-LD 1.0 Processing Algorithms and API davidwood PROPOSED: Publish both JSON-LD 1.0 and JSON-LD 1.0 Processing Algorithms and API as CR. ivan +1 gkellogg +1 markus +1 sandro +1 gavinc +1 ivan yay AndyS +1 davidwood +1 pfps sandro: there should be some comment that the JSON-LD tests cover both documents TallTed +1 Souri +1 AZ_ +1 yvesr +1 sandro PROPOSED: The test are all on JSON-LD-API but we consider them to cover both JSON-LD documents. davidwood RESOLVED: Publish both JSON-LD 1.0 and JSON-LD 1.0 Processing Algorithms and API as CR. davidwood PROPOSED: The test are all on JSON-LD-API but we consider them to cover both JSON-LD documents. sandro gregg: Implementing all the processing algorithms effectively tests all the normative requirements of the JSON-LD documents. sandro +1 sandro PROPOSED: The test are all on JSON-LD Processing Algorithms, but we consider them to cover both JSON-LD documents in their entirety. pfps +1 sandro +1 gkellogg +1 davidwood +1 markus +1 gavinc +1 pfps sandro: are there actual API tests? pfps gregg: yes sandro gregg: We should be careful that the API tests are in the report, since they aren't in the EARL. sandro gregg: That part is intended for JS impls, but my (Ruby) one doesn't do the API with Promises. ivan +1 Souri +1 pfps david: I don't see any issues here davidwood RESOLVED: The test are all on JSON-LD Processing Algorithms, but we consider them to cover both JSON-LD documents in their entirety. TallTed +1 gkellogg Need to make sure IDL tests are included with the test manifests and in the EARL report yvesr abstains from that one - not sure how much of the algorithms document is covered indirectly by these tests pfps markus: how long for CR? ivan david, I am needed on another phone for some membership issue; may I leave? pfps sandro: let's just ask for a short time and end whenever davidwood ivan, sure pfps markus: we were thinking of two weeks and extend if necessary ivan sorry about that Zakim -Ivan pfps sandro: two weeks seems a little short - three weeks might be more normal pfps sandro: two weeks might raise some flage pfps markus: ok pfps andy: groups that are waiting for start of CR might want longer davidwood From http://www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#transition-reqs : "The Working Group is not required to show that a technical report has two independent and interoperable implementations as part of a request to the Director to announce a Call for Implementations. However, the Working Group should include a report of present and expected implementations as part of the request." pfps markus: we might send out an informal communication to get these people to start gavinc "must specify the deadline for comments, which must be at least four weeks after publication, and should be longer for complex documents." pfps david: minimal duration of implementation period is required pfps sandro: should be at least three weeks davidwood "The announcement must indicate a minimal duration, before which the Working Group must not request ahttp:// www.w3.org/2005/10/Process-20051014/tr.html#cfr; this minimal duration is designed to allow time for comment." davidwood There is no definition of minimal. gavinc yep, and the newest draft process document https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/AB/raw-file/default/tr.html does define, and that's 4 weeks markus gavinc, that's not CR pfps david: let's try for three gavinc markus nope, since CR is gone pfps sandro: resolving on three weeks would be helful pfps s/hellful/helpful/ markus gavinc, oh sorry, didn't realize you pasted a different link davidwood PROPOSED: The WG will request a duration of three (3) weeks for the JSON-LD implemention period. gkellogg +1 davidwood +1 yvesr +1 gavinc +1 pfps +1 (are you sure that you needed the (3)?) markus +1 TallTed +1 sandro +1 davidwood RESOLVED: The WG will request a duration of three (3) weeks for the JSON-LD implementation period. pfps sandro: we may be able to publish the documents on the day that the CR request is approved pfps ! Souri +1 davidwood Topic: TriG / N-Triples / N-Quads pfps topic: lions and tigers and bears pfps david: progress in TriG document pfps david: please accept Andy's help ivan zakim, dial ivan-voip Zakim ok, ivan; the call is being made Zakim +Ivan pfps david: Andy will join Gavin as the second editor of the TriG document AndyS No problem .. yet. I *love* hg AndyS not davidwood pfps gavin: the end result for TriG is that two things need to be added - optional "graph" and {} gkellogg q+ Zakim sees gkellogg on the speaker queue pfps gavin: there were a number of other grammars for other things ivan zakim, mute me Zakim Ivan should now be muted davidwood ack gkellogg Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps gregg: allowing a blank node as a graph name was an issue - what syntax is allowed - easiest is blank node label pfps andy: either labelled or [] pfps gavin: a bit strange pfps andy: yes, a corner case, but graphs can be discovered pfps andy: graph name syntax has to be just for a blank node - nothing else pfps gavin: I'll put together the result into the document davidwood The editors will record this corner case in the document. sandro editors will include [ ] for blank node graph labels pfps gavin: that covers everything I can think of Zakim +EricP pfps david: N-TRIPLES davidwood PROPOSED to publish N-Triples as LCWD davidwood q? Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps gavin: comment from Andy re whitespace as a token, the situation has gone back and forth AndyS <s><p><o>. is legal TTL but not NT. Some may find it odd. pfps andy: want the two to be the same AndyS <s> <p> <o> . needed in NT. pfps gavin: can't allow NL in the middle of triples pfps david: date in document is next week pfps gavin: that can be changed easily ivan +1 gkellogg +1 davidwood +1 TallTed +1 gavinc +1 AndyS go for it AndyS +1 Souri +1 markus +1 pfps the numerology of "go for it" is obviously +1 yvesr +1 sandro +1 AZ_ +1 davidwood RESOLVED to publish N-Triples as LCWD. Souri sorry, I have another meeting to go at 12noon |<-- Souri has left irc.w3.org:6665 ("") pfps david: try for LC of N-Triples next week pfps topic: semantics and concepts pfps s/Triples/Quads/ davidwood ISSUE-140? trackbot is looking up ISSUE-140. trackbot ISSUE-140 -- RDF Dataset Comparison (Ivan Herman) -- open trackbot http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/140 pfps andy: also need to consider blank nodes shared between the graphs - need to move the isomorphism to the outside ivan q+ Zakim sees ivan on the speaker queue pfps andy: graph isomorphism is OK, just need to fix this one ivan -> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Aug/0022.html Pat's definition pfps andy: this message has the right change AZ_ +1 to Pat's definition Zakim -Souri pfps david: let's accept Pat's definition ivan q- Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue Zakim -EricP pfps pfps: looks good to me ivan zakim unmute me ivan zakim, unmute me Zakim Ivan should no longer be muted davidwood PROPOSED: Close ISSUE-140 by accepting Pat's suggested change documented in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Aug/0022.html pfps +1 AZ_ +1 gavinc +1 AndyS +1 pfps who will make the change? davidwood +1 ivan +1 gkellogg +1 TallTed +1 yvesr +1 markus +1 davidwood RESOLVED: Close ISSUE-140 by accepting Pat's suggested change documented in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-wg/2013Aug/0022.html gavinc Grad students! davidwood ACTION: davidwood to apply the resolution to ISSUE-140 in Concepts trackbot is creating a new ACTION. RRSAgent records action 2 trackbot Created ACTION-283 - Apply the resolution to issue-140 in concepts [on David Wood - due 2013-08-28]. ivan zakim, mute me Zakim Ivan should now be muted pfps david: comments from Jeremy ... davidwood Comments Jeremy Carroll davidwood rdfs:Graph ? comment and Issue 35: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-comments/2013Jul/0021.html davidwood owl:imports, graph names and Issue 38: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-comments/2013Jul/0022.html davidwood Turn into issues davidwood ISSUE-35? trackbot is looking up ISSUE-35. trackbot ISSUE-35 -- Should there be an rdf:Graph construct, or something like that? -- closed trackbot http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/track/issues/35 pfps andy: I think that the modeling in his example is somewhat dubious pfps david: is there a resolution on ISSUE-35? pfps pfps: I'm unsure just what Jeremy wants pfps david: there is nothing prohibiting making graph names denote graphs ivan q+ Zakim sees ivan on the speaker queue pfps pfps: Jeremy wants there to be a way to require graph names denoting graphs pfps david: that proposal has been before the working group and has not been approved davidwood ack ivan Zakim unmutes Ivan Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps ivan: there was a plan to have something like this AndyS People write documents, not graphs. pfps ivan: ... in a note pfps sandro: correct, but I was hoping ... pfps david: we need to reply to Jeremy and at least say that a similar proposal was rejected and that nothing prohibits this AZ_ and there's a plan to make a note on dataset-semantics, which I have to finish (ED at https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf/raw-file/default/rdf-dataset/index.html#) pfps sandro: and could ask what the minimum is here pfps david: and there is a note possibly in progress markus +q Zakim sees markus on the speaker queue davidwood ack markus Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps sandro: jeremy knows this already pfps markus: are we planning to added rdf:bounddataset to note pfps sandro: that would be in there pfps david: a non-arbitrary deadline for the WG would be mid-Nov AZ_ q+ Zakim sees AZ_ on the speaker queue pfps sandro: Jeremy might object to proceeeding unless the note exists pfps david: sandro please respond with history and say that a note on the issue will appear later and whether he is OK with that pfps Topic: AOB AZ_ q- Zakim sees no one on the speaker queue pfps Adjourn Zakim -Ivan pfps AZ: the note on dataset semantics is in progress since January and should be ready by September pfps david: please try to finish soon - discussion may take some time |<-- ivan has left irc.w3.org:6665 ("bye guys") AndyS GTG gavinc bye! Zakim -gavinc gkellogg bye! pfps AZ: would be nice if peter or pat could take a look at it Zakim -Sandro yvesr bye Zakim -davidwood AndyS ADJOURNED Zakim -AZ Zakim -TallTed Zakim -gkellogg Zakim -lanthaler pfps what's the magic link to start editing the minutes? Zakim -AndyS markus bye |<-- AZ_ has left irc.w3.org:6665 ("Page closed") |<-- AndyS has left irc.w3.org:6665 ("Leaving.") pfps found it, I think |<-- markus has left irc.w3.org:6665 ("ChatZilla [Firefox 22.0/20130620121849]") davidwood pfps, please see the directions at the top of http://www.w3.org/2011/rdf-wg/wiki/Scribes pfps that's obsolete, I think I found the right place, but I'm now getting "Internal Server Error"
Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 16:32:57 UTC