Re: [admin] telecon time 30 min earlier?

On 2012-09-20, at 09:58, Guus Schreiber wrote:

> All,
> W3C management has asked us whether it would be possibility to have our telecon 30 minutes earlier, due to heavy Zakim load. We are under no obligation to do so, but in case it turns out the WG participants have no real objections it would be a nice gesture to comply.
> On the agenda for next week's telecon: request from W3C-mgt to move our telecon time to 10:30-11:45 EST. Pls send your opinion in advance if you cannot attend.
> Guus

It might mean I could attend slightly less often, but it won't make a huge difference.


Steve Harris, CTO
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Received on Friday, 21 September 2012 12:12:52 UTC