N-triples white space question

Gavin, Eric,

rdf-turtle says:

[1] ntriplesDoc ::= (triple)? (EOL triple)* (EOL)?
[2] triple ::= subject predicate object '.'
[8] EOL  ::= ([#xD#xA])+

What are the white space rules?

Does it inherit white space processing from the rest of Turtle? 
Comments seem to come from Turtle.

If it does not inherit white space rules,
     what about horizontal white space inside triples?

If it does inherit white space rules,
    that includes newlines within triples between S/P or P/O.

The simplest solution is to add text in section 12.3 to say that 
horizontal white space outside tokens is discarded (which is different 
to Turtle).


Received on Friday, 18 May 2012 09:05:00 UTC