Re: no-primary-key no-functional-change proposal convergence

while I'm sure everyone on the RDF WG is excited about RDB2RDF's inner workings, this message was inteded that WG.

* Eric Prud'hommeaux <> [2012-05-16 11:12-0400]
> I note that there are three basically no-behavioral-change proposals floating around now. If no one else has a chance to line them for comparison, I'll try to do it this afternoon (EDT). The three I noted are:
>   Ivan's, with a friendly (unconfirmed) amendment to add this behavioral description per a discussion at the end of yesterday's telecon.
> [[
> For tables with no unique key and which have multiple identical rows, the output dataset produced by the default mapping will be equivalent to the Direct Mapping over the unique rows in that table.
> ]]
>   Richard's, which I haven't gone through yet.
>   Ashok's, which I believe he described as a simplification of Richard's.
> This is basically a promise to read and compare the above unless someone beats me to it.
> -- 
> -ericP


Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2012 15:43:11 UTC