Checking: Turtle grammar / N-Triples Grammar

In case it helps to get Turtle doc to publication, I did some checking 
of the 2012-05-16T10:00:00+01:00 Turtle and N-Triples grammars because 
this is last call.  I also went over Eric's message of 11/May.


==== 3 Corrections

== Turtle

Two things needs correcting, all the rest are presentational issues and 
do not need to be changed for LC

** Correction 1 **
Star in wrong place:

[132s] IRIREF ::= ('<' ([^<>"{}|^`\]-[#x00-#x20])* | UCHAR '>')

should be
   ('<' ([^<>"{}|^`\]-[#x00-#x20]) | UCHAR '>')*
that is:
[132s] IRIREF ::= ('<' ([^<>"{}|^`\]-[#x00-#x20]) | UCHAR '>')*

** Correction 2 **


STRING_LITERAL_1 should use "'" ... "'"
not '"'

== N-Triples
** Correction 3 **
Same fix for [132s] as Turtle

==== Presentational

== Turtle

feel free to ignore for publication:

1/ The rule numbers to relate to SPARQL are out of date (while useful, 
they are a hostage to fortune - I'd number rules for Turtle only)

2/ After reflecting on yesterdays discussion, and noting the greedy 
tokenization rule, the (WS)+ are not needed.

'@base' (WS)+

The (WS)+ isn't needed because


fails because @baseprefix is a LANGTAG.

3/ Use of ' as quote where it is also a character:

[151s] "'''" ... "'''"
[166s] "'"

4/ Excessive parentheses:

[60s], [151s], [152s], [162s] have occurrences of doubly nested 
parentheses: ((...))

5/ More parentheses than necessary

This is stylistic.

[6], [9], [10], [12], [14], [66s], [67s], [135s], [19], [20],
[21], [22], [149ss], [150s], [155s], [157s], [158s]

== N-Triples

1/ Double parens: [6], [135s], [150s]

2/ More parentheses than necessary
[3], [5], [19], [158s], [160s], [162s]

Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2012 09:30:56 UTC