Re: trusting quads

On 5/9/12 3:02 PM, Sandro Hawke wrote:
> On Wed, 2012-05-09 at 11:26 -0700, Steve Harris wrote:
>> Right. The whole reason quads were implemented was to be able to track
>> what *triples* appears in what documents (typically found on the web,
>> but file: is good too).
> Speak for yourself, please, Steve.   I've seen several implementations
> of quads that were used for other purposes and it's quite possible they
> predated yours.  In general, I think the motivation for quads/datasets
> is to work with a bunch of triples at the same time, in one system,
> while still keeping them in distinct groupings, so they can have their
> own metadata, source information, dependency tracking, etc.
>> If you allow/encourage web documents to circumvent this, then you
>> break that.
> I don't understand how you handle a triple at arms length, without
> taking it as gospel, but you can't do that with a quad.
> If you get a triple you want to store, but not trust, you put it off in
> a separate space (aka a named graph), where you wont accidentally query
> it when you're querying the stuff you trust.
> If you get a quad you want to store, but not trust, you do a little
> rewrite of the names, so you wont accidentally query it when you're
> querying the stuff you trust.

This is why we even have a NOT FROM clause in our SPARQL 
implementation/dialect :-) It also how we handle DBpedia linksets that 
can sometimes be ultra dodgy, even worse when they make through to 
actual DBpedia descriptor pages e.g., bad co-references between DBpedia 
and the New York Times etc..

> In any case, people *are* going to be publishing quads.  What are you
> going to do about that?   Any why can't you apply that technique to any
> situation where someone is publishing something that might be triples or
> might be quads?
>     -- Sandro



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Received on Wednesday, 9 May 2012 20:10:54 UTC