Re: the term "named graphs"

The SPARQL rec document has 39 occurrences of the phrase "named graph". The first 38 of them are ambiguous, and can be read either way (the named graph is a graph or a <name, graph> pair.) However, the last, in section 12.1.2, is quite clear:


Definition: RDF Dataset
An RDF dataset is a set:
{ G, (<u1>, G1), (<u2>, G2), . . . (<un>, Gn) }
where G and each Gi are graphs, and each <ui> is an IRI. Each <ui> is distinct.

G is called the default graph. (<ui>, Gi) are called named graphs.



On Apr 27, 2012, at 12:45 PM, Jeremy Carroll wrote:

> On 4/27/2012 1:44 AM, Antoine Zimmermann wrote:
>> Remember that "named graph" is normative as it's part of a normative section of the SPARQL recommendation.
> I just looked this up, and the definition seems to be in section 8
> "An RDF Dataset comprises one graph, the default graph, which does not have a name, and zero or more named graphs, where each named graph is identified by an IRI."
> This wording seems to me to suggest that G is a named graph if and only if there is a pair
> (u, G)
> in the dataset.
> JeremyThe SP

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Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2012 06:22:52 UTC