Drfit .... ancient minutes Re: Unicode NFC - status, and RDF Concepts

On 10/11/2011 9:41 PM, Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> PS. I have a strong recollection that Addison was *not* present at the 
> meeting in Cannes that I was referring to .... !! maybe I should dig 
> out the minutes.
yes here they are:

08:08:47 <bwm> breakout session rdfcore/i18n
08:08:55 <bwm> present
08:09:05 <bwm> brian mcbride
08:09:09 <bwm> jeremy carroll
08:09:13 <bwm> dave beckett
08:09:17 <bwm> graham klyne
08:09:21 <bwm> martin horner
08:09:27 <bwm> s/martin/martyn/
08:09:33 <bwm> misha wolfe
08:09:40 <bwm> martin duerst


Received on Wednesday, 12 October 2011 04:49:39 UTC