Re: Aligning Turtle and SPARQL escape sequence processing.

On 22/11/11 20:35, Alex Hall wrote:
>     "<" ( [^<>\"{}|^`\\] - [#0000-#0020] )* ">"
> Where did this come from? The IRI production in the Turtle editor's
> draft does allow Unicode escapes:
> "<" ( [^<>\"{}|^`\\] - [#0000-#0000] | UCHAR )* ">"

The published draft.
   and linked to from:

The editors working draft is changed but as it isn't consistent about 
escapes.  It says \t and \> are legal in IRIs.  I can't draw any 
conclusions from it.  At least one of the editors is proposing the wider 
change that changes Turtle and SPARQL.

I hope this will crystallize the Turtle grammar because it is becoming a 
hurdle for SPARQL, or we relax the goal of alignment.

>     == Changes
>     Suggested changes for Turtle:
>     T1/ Allow unicode escapes in prefixed names.
> +0 - I don't see the harm in adding it, but I don't see it as being all
> that useful either.
> Would you like to allow unrestricted use of unicode escapes in prefixed
> names, or only unicode escapes for characters that are legal in the
> position where the escape appears?

My preference is the conservative unicode escapes for characters that 
are legal in the position where the escape appears.

Separately, we might consider adding %xx but that isn't an escape mechanism.

> -Alex


Received on Tuesday, 22 November 2011 21:20:31 UTC