Re: Proposal for ISSUE-12, string literals

On 13/05/11 22:37, Steve Harris wrote:
> On 2011-05-13, at 19:20, Alex Hall wrote:
> ...
>> 3. There are probably countless instances of the following logic deployed in existing systems (I cut-and-pasted this directly from my own code):
>> public Literal(String lexicalValue, String language, URI datatype) {
>>    ...
>>    if (language != null&&  datatype != null) {
>>      throw new IllegalArgumentException("An RDF literal may not have both a language and a datatype.");
>>    }
>>    ...
>> }
>> I'm willing to change my code, but I can't speak for everybody...
> More concerning is code like:
> Literal(String lexicalValue, Resource lang_or_dt)
> {
> 	if (typeof(lang_or_dt) == Literal) {
> 		/* it has a language tag */
> 	} else if (typeof(lang_or_dt) == URI) {
> 		/* it has a datatype */
> 	} else {
> 		/* it has neither */
> 	}
> }
> We have a lot of such code.

Same - the "either-or" pattern is the normal way to process literals.

> It /might/ all come out in the wash, but it's going to need some care.
> - Steve

A possible interaction with RDF/XML:

@prefix  : <http://example/> .
@prefix xsd:     <> .

:x :p "foo"@en .
:x :q "foo"^^xsd:string .
:x :r 1 .

can be written in RDF/XML as:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
   <!ENTITY xsd "">

   <rdf:Description rdf:about="http://example/x" xml:lang="en" >
     <q rdf:datatype="&xsd;string">foo</q>
     <r rdf:datatype="&xsd;integer">1</r>

that is, with the xml:lang not on the literal but further out in the XML 
because xml:lang propagates inwards.

What happens to the xsd:string? Either existing RDf changes or RDF/XML 
can't write langs on xsd:string?  I don't think we can insist the 
xml:lang has to be directly on the xsd:string element because that's not 
how XML works (as I understand it).


Received on Saturday, 14 May 2011 15:45:13 UTC