Re: [JSON] PROPOSAL: Syntax structure should be object-based

On Mar 15, 2011, at 23:49, Lee Feigenbaum wrote:

> On 3/15/2011 9:11 PM, Manu Sporny wrote:
>> PROPOSAL: The RDF Working Group should design the RDF in JSON syntax
>> structure to reflect the object-based data model that is in wide use in
>> the Web developer community. The group recognizes that both the
>> triple-based and iterative-reduction based approaches are useful and
>> have a purpose to serve, but the time it would take to standardize two
>> RDF in JSON syntaxes may impact the ability for the Working Group to
>> meet its tight 1-year deadline.
> As I've said before, my organization would uses triple-based JSON serializations of RDF, but does not feel strongly that it needs standardization. We do not and would not expect to use an object-based RDF-in-JSON syntax. I do not expect that we would object to the work.
> My main concern would be whether this Working Group has the right composition to effectively enact this proposal if a core goal is to increase adoption by the JSON developer community.

Speaking as the *Talis* rep (not as chair):

Talis uses triple-based JSON and has no opinion positively or negatively regarding standardization at this time.  We see benefit to an object-oriented JSON syntax for some kinds of RDF data and would support standardization of that iff the WG comes up with something that makes sense.  So far we aren't there yet.


> Lee

Received on Wednesday, 16 March 2011 23:57:01 UTC