comments on RDF-Datasets-Proposal

Hi all,

after today's telecon, I read the proposal at [1].

First, it seems to be a "light" version of the Named Graph paper that
Pat mentionned. "Light", because it specifies that

"The interpretation of the IRI [paired to graphs], in the RDF Semantics
sense, is left unspecified."

It is all very well, but what happens when one wants to use those IRIs
*in* the named graphs? As proposed in the 'Semantic Extension' section
of [1]?


  :G1 graph:imports :G2

does make some assumption about the meaning of :G1 and :G2 in the RDF
Semantics! More generally, if we want to make graphs first class
citizens of RDF, we need a mean to talk about them, hence we need IRIs
whose interpretation in RDF Semantics is that graph.



Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2011 17:19:58 UTC