[Turtle] spec minutia

== RDF URI Reference ==
"RDF URI Reference" still shows up in three places. Should we change it
to IRI or wait for the RDF model spec to evolve? The same goes for
datatype URI which I assume will evolve towards an IRI.

== <>s in <script/> tags ==
It appears we're adopting the parsing heuristics that <>s never
indicate markup within a script tag (wow, needs to be part of the
infoset!). Any idea what's considered "valid' these days?
    was: [[
    				<pre class="example">
    # this is not a complete turtle document
    is: [[
    				<pre class="example"><script type="text/turtle"># this is not a complete turtle document
I believe there's an action to inject such an example example into the
spec. I will perform this if I can find the action.

== Base URI ==
Is "Base URI" such a universal concept that I should be hesitant about
s/Base URI/Base IRI/? (Note, this impacts grammar and definition.)

== Mercurial FUD ==

I just pushed ~80 changes, most of which came from a merge. I thought
those wouldn't count in my changes so I'm worried that I screwed
something up. Also, the push told me I had changed 2 filesets when I
thought I'd only changed one:
  eric@eric-ubu:~/WWW/rdf/rdf-turtle$ hg push
  pushing to https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdf
  searching for changes
  http authorization required
  realm: W3C Mercurial Repository
  user: eric
  remote: adding changesets
  remote: adding manifests
  remote: adding file changes
  remote: added 2 changesets with 2 changes to 2 files
Let me know if it looks like I messed up.


Received on Friday, 15 July 2011 16:18:25 UTC