Re: RDF-ISSUE-25 (Deprecate Reification): Should we deprecate (RDF 2004) reification? [Cleanup tasks]


On 9 Apr 2011, at 10:41, William Waites wrote:
> * [2011-04-08 15:29:40 -0400] Sandro Hawke <> écrit:
> ] Also, people are likely to reinvent
> ] it unless we can clearly explain why it's a bad idea -- or accurately
> ] describes the problems it causes.
> What of the use of reification to emulate n-ary (where n != 2)
> predicates?

ISSUE-25 is about the RDF reification vocabulary, which is a built-in vocabulary for reifying *statements*. You are talking about a common modeling practice in domain vocabularies for reifying *relationships*. That has nothing to do with ISSUE-25.


Received on Saturday, 9 April 2011 12:09:45 UTC