Re: [Graphs] Proposal for Named Graph Semantics

On 8 Apr 2011, at 16:32, Antoine Zimmermann wrote:
> This is what Pat called "poking a g-box". Poking a g-box is sometimes HTTP dereferencing the IRI that identifies the g-box. Sometimes, it's just returning what's in the curly brackets in a TriG document. Sometimes it's whatever triples attached to a certain IRI in a Quad file. Sometimes, it's getting the graph represented by a Jena Model in memory.


That's why I'm in favour of defining *only* an abstract syntax that pairs IRI and g-snap, without constraining what the relationship is.

If I give you a TriG document, or tell you about my SPARQL store, I would probably say: “Look, I poked a bunch of g-boxes (via their IRIs), and here's the g-snaps I got from each.”


Received on Friday, 8 April 2011 16:11:46 UTC