'in the result of'

You wrote:

> Maybe (intro): 
> """ ...typed rdf:text literals MUST NOT occur in
> published RDF content or in the results of SPARQL basic graph pattern
> matching [SPARQL] using extended SPARQL Basic Graph Matching"""
> *in the result of* is the key here.

which doesn't seem right to me.  Don't you instead want to rule out the
SPARQL queries being against a graph using rdf:PlainLiteral?  

Are you really okay with this:

     <a> <b> "Hello@en"^^rdf:PlainLiteral.
     SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x <b> "Hello@en"^^rdf:PlainLiteral }

I thought this was part of what you were trying to rule out.

It seems to me the text you've proposed allows that, but happens to
(oddly) rule out stuff like this:

    <a> <b> "Hello"@en.
    CONSTRUCT { ?x ?y "Hello@en"^^rdf:PlainLiteral }
    WHERE     { ?x ?y "Hello"@en }

which doesnt seem like something we need to worry about.

     -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 26 May 2009 15:51:17 UTC