Re: A modest note on rdf:text from the an OWLer

On May 20, 2009, at 8:01 PM, Peter F.Patel-Schneider wrote:

> I've been following along on the conversation and not contributing,  
> but
> I'm now going to stick by toe in.
> Here is a fictious dialog between several points of view.  You may
> decide, if you wish, to assign human actors to these points of view.
> That is completely up to you, I'm not saying that anyone holds these
> views as I've stated them.
> (An well-known Zakim meeting and IRC chat room.)
> IH:  We need better datatype support in OWL 2!
> IH:  But how can it be done?
> BM:  Let's use XML Schema datatypes and facets!
> IH:  Sounds good, go for it.
> JC:  But what about plain literals?  We need to support all RDF  
> graphs!
> BM:  Hmm, we need a datatype for them.

PH: Hey, BM, run that past me again. Why exactly does OWL need to have  
a **datatype** for plain literals? That is, why can't it simply allow  
RDF-style plain literals? Of course, it would be *ugly*, but would  
anything actually break? (What?)  And you know the old aphorism: if it  
ain't broken, don't fix it. OWL can always invent a class of all plain  
literal values and even declare it to be a datatype class if that  
makes the document-writers aesthetic sense happier and saves them some  
boring repetition when stating rules and conditions, without needing  
to actually change how RDF writes its literals.

>  I know, we'll just use
>     xsd:string - its extension includes all reasonable plain literals.
> JC:  Not so - to satisfy internationalization concerns we need to also
>     handle plain literals with a language tag.
> BM:  Then let's have a new datatype, owl:text, that includes both
>     strings without a language tag and strings with a language tag.

PH. Might have been better, in retrospect, to have restricted it to  
the case with a language tag, which is the only case you actually need  
- and stuck to xsd:string for the other case. Then at least we only  
have two ways to write plain literals (datatyped or not) instead of  
three. And, as y'all are constantly pointing out, the world has  
already gotten used to the fact that "foo" and "foo"^^xsd:string are  
the same, and your new type would just be doing exactly the same thing  
for the tagged case, which is a smaller pill to swallow.

>  It
>     is just like xsd:string but with complete coverage of all plain
>     literals. It is a perfectly good RDF datatype, conforms perfectly
>     to XML Schema Datatypes, there are no downsides.
> JC:  Sounds like a plan.  I'm happy.
> (Lots of on-stage document hacking.)
> (AP enters, announced by Zakim.)
> AP:  What's this owl:text?  This other WG is doing the same thing  
> and so
>     both WGs should use the same name for it!
> IH:  Hmm.  OK, let's form a task force and come up with a joint
>     document.
> BM:  Let's call the datatype rdf:text, because that is a good
>     description of the purpose of the joint datatype.
> JC:  OK by me, but not really necessary, any name will do.
> AP:  That's fine.  This other WG just needs to add functions, which  
> you
>     in OWL don't seem to have.
> BM:  I don't see any reason not to include a section on functions for
>     rdf:text.
> JC:  OK by me, but it doesn't make me any happier.  I don't need the
>     functions.
> IH:  Let's include a bit of wording to encourage tools to use plain
>     literals whereever possible, just so that tools that are not
>     aware of the rdf:text datatype work as if they did.
> BM:  Why just for rdf:text?  Other datatypes have the same issue, or
>     even worse!  We are not going to require normalization of all
>     literals!  Making bad design choices just to support existing
>     tools is not a good idea in general, and is certainly not a good
>     idea here.

PH: Actually, following previous design choices, whatever their  
perceived merits, is a VERY good idea when writing standards for  
interoperability. Such a good idea, in fact, that one should only not  
follow it only when there is a pressing, urgent, user-driven need to  
not do so. There is a very good chance that a future WG will not agree  
with your judgements about 'good' or 'bad' design choices anyway.  
After all, you apparently disagree with at least one previous WG.

> IH:  I know, I know, but making a special case for rdf:text might make
>     it more acceptable.
> BM:  OK, but you are going to be sorry you ever tried to be nice.
> (A moderate amount of on-stage document hacking.)
> IH:  Hello world!  The OWL WG and this other WG have this great new
>     thing for you!  A new datatype, called rdf:text, for any sort of
>     internationalized text.
> (Tomatoes being thrown from everywhere in the audience.)
> IH:  Did I say "any sort of internationalized text"?  I meant to say
>     "strings with language tags".
> (More tomatoes being thrown, but only from one place in the audience.)
> IH:  Oh, you don't like rdf:text at all?  Well, the OWL WG will just  
> go
>     back to the previous happy situation and have a new datatype in
>     OWL, called owl:text, to go along with our use of lots of new XML
>     Schema datatypes and datatype facets.  Other WGs can use this new
>     datatype if they want, or not.  Other WGs can even define  
> functions
>     on this new datatype, the OWL WG has nothing to say about this.

> IH:  [Aside to BM]  I'm really, really sorry.
> BM:  [Aside to IH]  I told you so.
> (A bit of on-stage document hacking.)
> IH:  Hello world!  The OWL WG is proud to present its CR documents!
>     Sorry about the previous brouhaha.
> AP:  [Inaudible] Grumble, grumble.
> (Everyone realizes that if they throw tomatoes at owl:text they have  
> to
> also shoot down the entire idea of RDF datatypes and D-entailment.)

? Not at all. Only at the idea of insisting that ALL literals must be  
datatyped, even the ones that aren't.


> (World peace reigns!)
> This appears to be the result that is being argued for.
> Peter F. Patel-Schneider
> Bell Labs Research

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Received on Thursday, 21 May 2009 14:54:56 UTC