Re: A summary of the proposal for resolving the issues with rdf:text --> Could you please check it one more time?

On Wed, May 20, 2009 at 2:59 PM, Pat Hayes <> wrote:
> Re. the above, I now realize (as everyone else also probably already does)
> that empty lang tags isn't really the issue here. Even if lang tags aren't
> empty, rdf:text cannot make its '@' marker be optional, as that would render
> "foo@baz"^^rdf:text ambiguous: it could be foo with tag baz, or foo@baz with
> no tag.
> Sorry it took a while for this to percolate up to consciousness.

Maybe I'm missing something too, but this would not be necessary
(there would)  if rdf:text corresponded to the set of language tagged
literals only - not including what is already covered by xsd:string.
i.e. rdf:text and xsd:string would be disjoint.

Is there a design goal that was satisfied by making rdf:text include
xs:string as a subclass?


Received on Wednesday, 20 May 2009 20:44:35 UTC