Re: A summary of the proposal for resolving the issues with rdf:text --> Could you please check it one more time?


> STR("Hello@"^^xs:string)= STR("Hello@"^^rdf:text) = "Hello@"
> STR("Hello@en")=
> STR("Hello@en"^^rdf:text)=
> STR("Hello@en"^^xs:string)= "Hello"@en"
                     you mean "Hello@en" I assume


> As a consequence, I believe that the LC comment of the SPARQL WG
> should be addressed by simply removing any mention of literal
> replacement during graph exchange. This makes it clear that rdf:text
> is just another, regular datatype that is in no way different from the
> other XML Schema or user-defined datatypes.

Hmmmm.   Okay, this approach might make sense, yeah.

I'd think we should at least include a practical, non-normative warning
that rdf:text is not usuable as a general-purpose replacement for RDF
plain literals, because RDF systems in general do not implement rdf:text

But more than that, in practice, RIF and OWL systems are going to need
to rewrite rdf:text terms into plain literals during output, I think, so
... don't we need to say that somewhere?

     -- Sandro

Received on Monday, 18 May 2009 04:20:23 UTC