Re: First version of a test suite for RDF*

Hi Pierre-Antoine,
Many thanks for this great input.
Just to be sure I understand the coverage of the test suite: Are we going
to add also RDFS entailment regime?
In general, how to be sure we take into account all the relevant cases?

Also here at opaque-iri [1], is it RDFS-Plus or OWL 2 RL here?

Thanks for your time.

On Mon, Nov 23, 2020 at 12:31 PM Pierre-Antoine Champin <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> as per my action assigned on our last call [1], I pushed a first version
> of a test-suite. The first goal is to provide a set of concrete examples
> of how RDF* implementations are expected to behave. An HTML rendering of
> that test-suite is available here:
> so that everyone can review, reference, and comment each of the test cases.
> If "entail" sounds esoteric to you, think of the 2nd graph in each test
> case as a SPARQL* ASK query, which is expected to return TRUE (or FALSE,
> in the case of "not entail").
> Coming next: a similar test suite for SPARQL*.
>    best
> [1]
> <>


"*Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none*" (W. Shakespeare)

Received on Monday, 23 November 2020 13:40:21 UTC