Re: RDF* implementations and PG/SA modes [was: Re: Apache Jena support for RDF*]

Hi Thomas,

> On 8. Aug 2020, at 15:49, thomas lörtsch <> wrote:
> If that sounded a little lazy, then maybe it was… So here’s my homework:
> […]
> Absolutely no guarantee that the list is correct, much less complete. 
> Additions and corrections obviously very welcome!

AllegroGraph has support in the works for supporting RDF* in PG mode.

AG has always supported storing duplicate triples (two triples with the same s/p/o/g components). 
To continue that, in PG mode each instance of the duplicated triple can have its own RDF* triple attributes.

- Willem

Received on Monday, 10 August 2020 16:01:52 UTC