Re: Welcome to the RDF*/SPARQL* mailing list

Introduction: David Booth.  I've been involved with RDF for several 
years, with a focus on healthcare and life sciences.  I have also been 
facilitating discussion and collecting ideas for making RDF  easier to 
use by average developers:

I think RDF*/SPARQL* has potential for addressing a long-known gap in RDF.

My main concerns:

  - It must be easy to make statements about an entire graph -- a set of 
triples -- rather than one triple at a time.  At present RDF* does not 
allow this, but my understanding is that it could be extended to do so. 
IMO this is critically important.

  - It should be harmonized with other existing mechanisms, such as 
named graphs and N3's ability to talk about graphs.

David Booth

On 8/9/19 9:09 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:
> Intro: Andy Seaborne
> I have the pleasure of working with Richard at TopQuadrant.
> Previous, I have worked on SPARQL and RDF (for the latter, a certain 
> amount around syntax alignment of Turtle).
> For RDF* I'm interested in hearing what people are using it for and how 
> it interacts with the idea that an RDF triple is "true" regards of the 
> rest of the graph. Making statements about triples, whether 
> probabilities or other conditions on the triple (including (bi)temporal 
> usage) changes that from an application POV. Maybe we are moving to a 
> more syntactic view of RDF?
> On the SPARQL* side, I'm interested hearing about implementation 
> experience, for example in the balance in implementation for RDF* as it 
> relates to data when RDF* is not present.
> I don't think there are any fundamental problems - it is a matter of 
> making choices and explaining them, some of which may be "best practice" 
> around usage and modelling.
>      Andy
> On 06/07/2019 11:11, Olaf Hartig wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just wanted to welcome everyone who has already subscribed to this 
>> list!
>> The main purpose of this list is to have a place where folks can ask and
>> discuss questions related to the RDF*/SPARQL* approach and how to use 
>> this
>> approach.
>> If you are here to help or support the work on the submission document 
>> about
>> RDF*/SPARQL*, I will send another email later to share details about 
>> how we
>> are going to do this. Given that the vacation period here has started,
>> probably not much is going to happen anyways during the next weeks.
>> In the meantime, maybe, everyone who has joined the list may introduce
>> themselves; who are you and what's your interest in RDF*/SPARQL*?
>> For myself, I simply list the documents I wrote about about 
>> RDF*/SPARQL* with
>> a brief summary of what each of them provides:
>> 1/ As an introductory document I created the short position statement 
>> that I
>> wrote for the W3C workshop in March 2019 in Berlin. This position 
>> statement
>> provides a brief motivation and an overview of the approach, a summary 
>> of its
>> properties, and pointers to other publications and material.
>> 2/ "Foundations of an Alternative Approach to Reification in RDF"
>> This is the initial document that I wrote together with Bryan 
>> Thompson. The
>> main contributions of this document are a formal definition of the 
>> RDF* data
>> model, a mapping from RDF* to pure RDF with the RDF reification 
>> vocabulary, a
>> definition of the Turtle* grammar, a formal definition of SPARQL*, and 
>> a precise
>> specification of how SPARQL* (as a query language) extends the W3C
>> recommendation of the SPARQL 1.1 Query Language.
>> 3/ "SPARQL* Update"
>> This document specifies SPARQL* Update, which is an RDF*-specific 
>> extension of
>> SPARQL Update.
>> 4/ "Foundations of RDF* and SPARQL* - An Alternative Approach to 
>> Statement-
>> Level Metadata in RDF"
>> This document is a research paper that looks at redundancy in RDF* 
>> graphs, and
>> shows that the reification-based mappings from RDF* to RDF and from 
>> SPARQL* to
>> SPARQL possess two desirable properties: they are information 
>> preserving and
>> query result preserving.
>> 5/ "Reconciliation of RDF* and Property Graphs"
>> This document describes the relationship between RDF* and the Property 
>> Graph
>> data model. More technically, this document provides two formal 
>> mappings from
>> RDF* graphs to Property Graphs, and one such mapping in the other 
>> direction
>> (PG to RDF*).
>> Additionally, together with some of my students, we have developed an 
>> RDF*/
>> SPARQL* extension of the Java RDF framework Apache Jena to provide a
>> collection of tools and Java libraries to process RDF* data and SPARQL*
>> queries. See:
>> Moreover, we have some preliminary extension of these tools that 
>> connect RDF*
>> and Property Graphs:
>> Olaf
>> -----
>> Dr. Olaf Hartig, Docent
>>   Associate Professor (Universitetslektor, docent)
>>   Division for Database and Information Techniques (ADIT)
>>   Department of Computer and Information Science (IDA)
>>   Linköping University
>>   Website:
>>   Office: Building B, Ground floor, Room 2B:478
>>   Postal address:
>>        Dept. of Computer and Information Science (IDA)
>>        Linköpings universitet
>>        SE-581 83 Linköping
>>        SWEDEN

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2019 18:15:02 UTC