do Property Graphs always assert annotated arcs?

Hi all,

here is a question for those on the list who have discussed more than I
have with Property Graph users.

There seem to be a consensus here that in PG, arcs with metadata are
asserted at the same time as they are annotated. This is reflected in the
PG interpretation of RDF*, where:

    <<:alice :spouse :bob>> :since 2001-02-03^^xsd:date .

asserts exactly two triples.

But as I understand, PG people are also likely to express things like:

    <<:alice :spouse :bob>> :since 2001-02-03^^xsd:date ;
        :until 2004-05-06^^xsd:date .

if Alice and Bob eventually got divorced.
In that situation, the arc <<:alice :spouse :bob>> should *no longer* be
considered asserted in the graph.

Question: is this scenario a plausible one in a PG context?

Received on Thursday, 29 August 2019 15:35:48 UTC