Re: basic semantics of triple terms

Dear all,   I would like to highlight some missing information in the documentation available at . It appears that the current version lacks details on certain key aspects of the proposal.   While the meaning of rdf:ReificationProperty can be somewhat inferred from the context, the term rdf:tripleTerm is introduced without any context or explanation, making it challenging to fully understand the concept. I kindly request that more details be added to this wiki page to facilitate a clearer understanding and evaluation of the proposal.  Best regards,  Dominik    
        Dnia 25 października 2024 17:53 Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> napisał(a):
         The Semantics Task Force discussed the basic semantics of triple terms at the  
 meeting on 25 October 2024 and decided that it was a good idea to have a  
 working group decision on which way to go in the very near future so that the  
 significant changes can be made to RDF Semantics and RDF Concepts to fully  
 support triple terms and how they are to be used in RDF 1.2. 
 The current working group decision is defined in,  where  
 rdf:reifies is the only property that links to triple terms.  An alternative  
 that has been defined, in,   
 is to allow any property that is an instance of rdf:ReificationProperty (final  
 name to be determined) to link to triple terms. 
 The issue  is basically about  
 this difference and has pointers to more information and discussion on the  
 difference between the approaches.  The decision to be made is whether one  
 property (rdf:reifies) is allowed to link to triple terms, many properties are  
 allowed, or only a very few properties are allowed (perhaps rdf:reifies and  

Received on Saturday, 26 October 2024 12:39:08 UTC