Re: Two profiles: technical definition

On 2 May 2024, at 16:39, Peter F. Patel-Schneider <> wrote:

Bijective means one-to-one and onto, so the transparent profile appears to be saying that every resource is a denotation of some triple term.  I think that the mapping should only be injective.  It might be better to state that RE is a function instead. The opaque profile has a similar problem.

You are right, I have to be more precise: RE is bijective covering only the whole IR x IP x IR (i.e., one-to-one and onto only over IR x IP x IR). Similarly for SRE.

As well, this semantics allows for the SRE of a quoted triple to be something like the integer 2.  This probably has no bad consequences, but it is rather strange.

Also any IRI may have the same interpretation as the interpretation of the literal integer 2, since they are both resources. So, there is no difference here.



On 5/2/24 03:05, Franconi Enrico wrote:

(I repeat a previous email, which could have been lost within a previous thread)
In order to make the upcoming discussion more concrete and technical, I have written down the formal definition of two profiles in the wiki:
 * RDF-star profile “transparent”
   <> (namely many-to-many transparent)
 * RDF-star profile "functional opaque”
   <> (namely many-to-one opaque)
They rely on two distinct properties - rdf:reifies and rdf:edge (temporary name) - and on two distinct syntactic categories - tripleTerm and opaqueTripleTerm.
Technically, they could be just merged into a unique profile, which actually could be RDF-star itself.

Received on Thursday, 2 May 2024 14:52:49 UTC