Re: A single reifier can reify more than one triple term

On 27 Mar 2024, at 15:17, Gregory Williams <> wrote:

I think there are many use cases for RDF-star that are not primarily focused on reification, and I wonder if the tentative agreement over the `rdf:reifies` naming didn't tacitly shift the discussion a bit in this regard. We seem to be talking a lot more about n-ary relations now, rather than “statements about statements.” I'm interested mostly in triple-level provenance/annotation, and improved interoperability with LPG data, while you seem primarily focused on reifications with n-ary relationship, and I think this discussion is revealing that the varying desires can be at odds with each other.

OK, your use case is well covered by our formalisation. Why do you want to prevent that other use case could be covered by this formalisation?
Modal cases (namely, another case of statements about statements) undergoes the same issues I’m emphasising.

:john :believes << :b1 | :enrico :married-in :rome >>  .
<< :b1 | :enrico :married-in :rome >> :date 1962 .
<< :b1 | :enrico :married-on 1962 >> :location :rome .
<< :b1 | :enrico :married-in :rome >> :location :rome .
<< :b1 | :enrico :married-on 1962 >> :date 1962 .


Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 19:05:48 UTC