- From: Kurt Cagle <kurt.cagle@gmail.com>
- Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2024 01:51:06 -0700
- To: Franconi Enrico <franconi@inf.unibz.it>
- Cc: Gregory Williams <greg@evilfunhouse.com>, "Lassila, Ora" <ora@amazon.com>, RDF-star Working Group <public-rdf-star-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CALm0LSFbBV+GRa832mvo7CRnGa4oma=H_qCAUThkhB9tYqrWaw@mail.gmail.com>
Wouldn't a better approach be something like: Person:Enrico a Person: ; Person:hasMarriage [ a Marriage: ; Marriage:location Location:Rome ; Marriage:startDate Year:1962 ; Marriage:to Person:Serafina ; ] ; . (I'm using the class names as prefixes here simply to make it obvious what these resource interfaces are). The one area where I can see this working with reifiers is when you want to connect existing entities: << Marriage:m1 | Person:Enrico Person:married Person:Serafina >> Marriage:child Person:Paolo, Person:Linetta ; Marriage:location Location:Rome ; Marriage:startDate Year:1962 ; Marriage:endDate Year:1971 ; . << Marriage:m2 | Person:Enrico Person:married Person:Elizabetta>> Marriage:child Person:Antonio ; Marriage:location Location:Venice ; Marriage:startDate Year:1973 ; Marriage:endDate Year:1994 ; . . *Kurt Cagle* Editor in Chief The Cagle Report kurt.cagle@gmail.com 443-837-8725 <http://voice.google.com/calls?a=nc,%2B14438378725> On Wed, Mar 27, 2024 at 12:42 AM Franconi Enrico <franconi@inf.unibz.it> wrote: > >> << :b1 | :enrico :married-in :rome >> :date 1962 . > >> << :b1 | :enrico :married-on 1962 >> :location :rome . > >> << :b1 | :enrico :married-in :rome >> :location :rome . > >> << :b1 | :enrico :married-on 1962 >> :date 1962 . > > > > It helps with the issue of naming, but it doesn’t address the asymmetry. > Now Enrico has married-in and married-on properties, and the reification > has date and location properties. Why is this a good model of properties > that all come from the same relation where they are all properties of birth > certificates? > > They are not: has married-in and married-on have domain person, while date > and location have domain birth certificate. They NEED to be distinct > properties, and depending on what are you talking about (people or birth > certificates) you use the former of the latter. > > > And I still think this is a fundamental problem with this example: “two > departments decide to expose this data as LOD, but in different ways.” That > would be one thing if they were each exposing LOD using local identifiers, > but they’ve both used the universal identifiers (b1, b2, …) for the > reification in incompatible ways. > > They are not incompatible. > You are assuming that organisations are rational entities that structure > their data in a syntactically uniform and consistent way all over the > world. The fact that this assumption is not true is witnessed by the mess > that enterprises have in doing data integration, which is the main raison > d’être of semantic web technologies: deal with syntactically different ways > of representing semantically equivalent information. > > —e.
Received on Wednesday, 27 March 2024 08:51:36 UTC