Re: [External] : support for "bare" edges

> On Mar 10, 2024, at 08:34 AM, Souripriya Das <> wrote:
> fixed a typo in the Turtle example.
> From: Souripriya Das <>
> Sent: Sunday, March 10, 2024 8:23 AM
> To: RDF-star WG <>
> Subject: [External] : support for "bare" edges
> Here is a scenario where surface syntax support for "bare" edges (i.e., edges with no annotations) is important. 
> Consider two entities: Workers and Jobs,

I think those are not entities, but classes.

> and a binary relationship "worksOn" connecting those two entities.

I think that relationship connects instances of one of those 
two classes to instances of the other class.

> There is also an attribute "daysPerWeek" for the "worksOn"  relationship. Most  workers work full-time. Only a handful that work part-time and "daysPerWeek" is populated only for part-time workers.
> A PG-minded user wants to only use "atomic" reifications because that is closest to the concept of edges in PG and comes up with the following:
> :e1 rdf:reifies <<( :w1 :worksOn :job1  )>> .
> :e2 rdf:reifies <<( :w2 :worksOn :job1 )>> .
> :e2 :daysPerWeek 3 . 
> The ability to have a bare edge like :e1 above is important to avoid unnecessary increase in data size.

You can always leave out any statements for which you have 
no value/object for a property/attribute/predicate of a 
subject/entity. RDF is perfectly suited to such sparse data.
This is true whether the subject in question is an entity,
a triple term, a pumpkin, etc.

> Also, just to compare with PG, bare edges (i.e., edges with no edge-properties) are fully supported in PG.
> Using Turtle shortcuts, the 2nd and 3rd triple above may be compacted into a single statement.
> :e1 rdf:reifies <<( :w1 :worksOn :job1 )>> .
> << :e2 | :w2 :worksOn :job1 >> :daysPerWeek 3 .
> Thanks,
> Souri.



A: Yes.                
| Q: Are you sure?           
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

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Received on Thursday, 14 March 2024 16:14:47 UTC