Re: Radical change proposal


tripleReification is the same as the "tripleTerm" in

If the suggestion is keeping triple terms and the Turtle syntax forms, 
then well-formedness arises in the account of named occurrences and 
using rdf:refies as a macro.

The general semantics remains the same.

is that correct?


On 13/03/2024 11:37, Franconi Enrico wrote:
> *All the problems and discussions* about well-formedness, forbidden 
> simple entailments, unsupported RDF 1.2 graphs, etc, will vanish if we 
> give up option 3 and we go back to have only triple reification terms 
> in RDF 1.2:
> graph   ::= (triple)*
> triple    ::= subject predicate object
> subject   ::= iri | BlankNode | tripleReification
> predicate   ::= iri
> object    ::= iri | BlankNode | literal | tripleReification
> tripleReification ::= identifier triple
> identifier    ::= iri | blanknode
> Too radical?
> —e.

Received on Thursday, 14 March 2024 13:47:34 UTC