Re: Update RDF-star semantics document

On 3/12/24 11:52, Franconi Enrico wrote:
> Hi,
> after our most recent discussions, I have updated the RDF-star semantics 
> document 
> < 
> <>>.
> More specifically, I think it may be worthwhile to have some feedback on the 
> section “Best practices and well-formedness”.
> cheers
> —e.

This is ambiguous as the nor can be given a wide scope.

"An RDF graph which does not contain any triple term nor any rdf:reifies 
triple but for the ones coming from the expansion of the macro for triple 
reification is called reification well-formed."

Better would be

"An RDF graph where the only triple terms are objects of triples with 
predicate rdf:reifies."

This is unambiguous, but more liberal as it allows objects of rdf:reifies 
triples to be anything.  I don't think that the liberalization causes any 


Received on Tuesday, 12 March 2024 22:09:26 UTC